when i tried out my tablet

hmmmm I’ll try to post about xmas later today… right now I’m late for work…

I’m trying to figure out a new picture to use to redesign my blog… hmm… I dunno, any suggestions? oo I got the nice official movie guide of LOTR from Ash for xmas, maybe I could use something out of that.

I’m also itching to redesign the site. I want to go with something simple again. I’ve got to delete some stuff out of the art archives, and make a new 2002 section. There’s no room for it on the current design.

I wanted to go draw on the whiteboard yesterday but it never loads on this computer! I want to play with my wacom tablet~ hehehe.

(hahaha she looks like storm!! hehe, but she’s got eyeballs, I just didn’t draw em big enough… btw, I’m planning on doing that costume for Otakon with Ash as Skuld and hopefully Cath as Belldandy… think mom’ll flip when she sees it? LOL)

I thought of installing an oekaki board, but I’m always going over my bandwidth on here, and I looked at the back up domain yesterday and it’s over by 1000MB… no room… once I get room on my credit card I’m going to buy another webspace for SunDowner, so maybe once I get all that stuff moved off I can have room.